Tuesday, January 26, 2016

How to Expertly Organize Your Classroom With Google Sites

Image: https://d3e7x39d4i7wbe.cloudfront.net/uploads/post/image/6602/half_size_Help-1444864393.jpg

Websites exist to share information, broadcast the news, help people connect, and more… right? A teacher can create a solid classroom website for their class to do the same things by picking and choosing from some of the options below:
  • Contact information - so students can get in touch
  • Class Announcements - to share what’s going on
  • Shoutouts - to recognize hard work
  • Grades or Mastery Tracking - to share progress
  • Study Guides - to promote study habits
  • Classwork / Homework - for kids to keep up
  • Extra Credit or Accelerated - for kids to advance themselves
  • Helpful Links (content, videos, tools) - to expand opportunities
Here are 2 links about building sites

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